Schools and learning

Local schools

Find out about schools in North Somerset including locations, term dates, governors, attendance and other school-related issues

School admissions

Apply for a school place, how to appeal, changing schools and admissions policies

Support for pupils and students

Information on home to school transport and free school meals

School attendance

What we will do if a child is absent from school

Home education

You can choose to teach your child at home, either full or part-time

Adult education

Find out about Community Learning and the courses they offer

Childcare and children's centres

Our online directory for local childcare and information about childcare costs and early education for two, three, and four year olds. 

Sensory support service

Our sensory support service helps children and young people who have visual, hearing or multi-sensory impairments

Music service

The music service works with children, schools and families and runs the North Somerset Centre for Young Musicians' 

Educational Psychology Service

Find out more about the Educational Psychology service for schools, including who they are, what they do, and how you can purchase services

UK education for refugees and asylum seekers

Read our guidance on education in the UK if you are a refugee or asylum seekers

Section 251 statements

These statements inform schools and the public about local authority funding and spending plans

New school competition

Expression of interest for a new 630-place primary school with Early Years at Haywood Village

Alternative learning provision

Support for pupils having a difficult time engaging in typical classroom learning