“This initial test is the first step to becoming a taxi driver” explains Matt Lenny, the council’s Director of Public Health and Regulatory Services.
“It’s a short, multiple choice, written test of basic English, maths and map reading. People will find out on the day whether they’ve passed and, if they’ve been successful, they’ll then be able to start the application process to get their taxi driver licence.”
There are three sessions on Tuesday 11 June, happening at 9.15am, 10.30am and 11.45am.
Participants will need to bring their driving licence and National Insurance number before they are able to sit the test, and are advised to arrive at the New Council Chamber at the Town Hall, Weston-super-Mare, 15 minutes before their test time.
Places need to be booked in advance and the cost is £25 which must be paid at the time of booking.
Email licensing@n-somerset.gov.uk to book a space or call 01934 426 800 and request the licensing team.
More information about becoming a taxi driver is available at www.n-somerset.gov.uk/taxidriverlicence.