Council’s targeted police powers are renewed


North Somerset Council’s Safer Communities Anti-Social Behaviour Officer and Community Response team can continue their vital work in North Somerset communities after having their police powers renewed. 

This means the team can continue their work to help make North Somerset a safer place. Using targeted police powers, accredited council officers can: 

  • Ask for details, including names and addresses – with refusal to provide them being a criminal offence
  • Control traffic
  • Issue penalties for cycling on footpaths. 

Assaulting or obstructing an officer accredited under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme, or someone who is assisting them, is a criminal offence. 

The team are accredited by the Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Constabulary under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS). These powers are reviewed periodically by Avon and Somerset Police, and the team must go through a full re-accreditation process to ensure everyone is fully trained and vetted.

Councillor James Clayton, North Somerset Council’s executive member for safety in the community, said: “It’s great news that our Safer Communities team have had their targeted police powers renewed by Avon and Somerset Police. These powers mean council officers can act as the polices ‘eyes and ears’, helping us tackle problems like anti-social behaviour.  

“This achievement highlights our partnership working with the police. Thanks to targeted police powers, our teams can share information and intelligence and work together to help engage with our communities more effectively and make North Somerset a safer place.”

Chief Inspector Scott Hill, Anti-Social Behaviour Lead at Avon and Somerset Police, said: “We’re pleased to see select individuals within North Somerset Council’s Safer Communities Team have their police powers renewed.

“Working closely with accredited council officers is hugely beneficial for our neighbourhood policing teams. The information and intelligence they share enable us to target and deal with offenders effectively and proportionately, using a range of interventions to prevent further harm to themselves and our communities.

“We look forward to continuing our partnership with North Somerset Council in 2025. We’ll not only work together to disrupt anti-social behaviour and crime in action, but to tackle the root causes of these issues through education, support networks and diversionary schemes.”

Find out more about the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme here: