Wilko closure in Weston-super-Mare


It has been announced that Wilko in Weston-super-Mare will be closing on Tuesday September 12. 

Cllr Mark Canniford, Executive Member for spatial planning, placemaking and economy at North Somerset Council said: “We are very disappointed to hear that Wilko in Weston-super-Mare is one of 52 branches across the country set to close. 

“We’ve been aware this was a possibility since the announcement was first made, but disappointed to receive confirmation that the Weston-super-Mare store located in the Sovereign Centre is set to close next week. 

“Our thoughts go out to anyone directly affected and would like to remind any staff member now facing redundancy that help and support is available. Please contact your local job centre plus or email business@n-somerset.gov.uk. We are also working at a regional level with the rapid redundancy task force to identify job opportunities for staff affected and will be looking to work with local skills providers where residents affected by job loss need to retrain or upskill. We can also provide free business start-up workshops for residents that may want to restart as an entrepreneur.

“No doubt Wilko’s closing will also leave a big gap in The Sovereign. We will do what we can to make sure the store space is suitable and attractive to potential new occupiers.”