Prize gaming permits

A prize gaming permit allows you to provide gaming with prizes on specified premises.  

Prize gaming is gaming where the nature and size of the prize available is not determined by

  • the number of people playing or;
  • the amount paid for or raised by the gaming

It can comprise of a variety of games, providing that the participation fees and prizes do not exceed prescribed limits. The prize can be a cash or non-cash prize. 

Prize gaming permits can be issued by licensing authorities. 

You must:

  • be over the age of 18
  • want to run prize gaming from a premises you occupy, or plan to occupy
  • confirm the premises in question does not already have an existing premises licence or a club gaming permit

Prize gaming permits do not permit the provision of gaming machines. 

You cannot apply for a prize gaming permit if a club gaming permit or premises licence has been issued for the same premises as per the Licensing Act 2003.


You do not need to apply for this permit if you are:

  • holders of adult gaming centre premises licences 
  • holders of family entertainment centre gaming machine permits 
  • travelling fairs 
  • bingo halls 

Please note - permits for machines in takeaways, taxi offices and other similar businesses can no longer be granted. 


Please read our statement of principles before you apply. 


Details of the fees related to this licence can be found in our fees and charges booklet. 

How to apply

Please send completed application forms to us via email.

After you've applied

The licensing authority can grant or refuse an application for a permit but cannot add conditions. The licensing authority may grant a permit only if they have consulted Avon & Somerset police about the application. 

We will grant prize gaming permits for 10 years, unless we state otherwise. 

There is no annual fee for a prize gaming permit. 

If we reject your application, we will provide our reasons for rejecting your application, and you will be able to make representations against our decision.