Temporary event notice

You will need a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) if you are

  1. having an event at an unlicensed premises and;
  2. are carrying out any of these activities
    • selling alcohol by retail 
    • providing regulated entertainment, such as live music, a play or an indoor sporting event 
    • providing hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am 

Please note you can be fined or sent to prison for up to six months if you carry out an activity at an unlicensed premises without a TEN.

We are only able to accept notices for premises within the North Somerset area. 

You can find your local council on the GOV.UK website to identify the correct local authority to serve your notice on if you are unsure. 

Please be aware that we will not issue a refund if the address is found to be outside of our authority boundary. We will also be unable to accept the notice.

Before you apply

You need to read and understand the requirements set out on this page before you submit an application for a TEN. We cannot proceed with your application unless you give us all the information we need.  

To serve a notice, you must:  

  • be at least 18 years old 
  • apply at least 10 working days before your event

When you will need a TEN

You will need a TEN if you are selling tickets for an event which states that alcohol is provided for free.  

You’ll also need a TEN if a particular licensable activity is not included in the terms of your existing licence. For example, holding a wedding reception at a community centre. 

Larger events

If you are organising an event that is likely to attract over 500 people, you will need to apply for a premises licence instead of serving a notice.

Event details

Your event must have fewer than 500 people at all times, including the staff running the event. 

The event can last no more than seven days (168 hours), and there must be a 24 hour gap between every TEN you submit to us. 

Number of notices you can serve 

You need a TEN for each event you hold on the same premises. 

If you do not hold a personal licence to sell alcohol, you can have up to five TENs a year. If you already have a personal licence to sell alcohol, you can have up to 50 TENs a year. 

A single premises can have up to 15 TENs in one year, as long as the total length of the events is not more than 21 days. 

Late TENs 

Late TENs should only be used in exceptional circumstances. For example, you may apply for a late TEN if you are a premises user and there are circumstances beyond your control. For example, this may be due to the change of a venue at short notice. 

The latest you can serve a late TEN is five clear working days before the event. 

If you have a personal licence, then a maximum of 10 of your 50 notices can be late TENs. 

If you do not have a personal licence, then a maximum of two of your five notices can be late TENs. 



A TEN costs £21. 

This fee covers the cost of processing. It is non-refundable in all circumstances, even if the notice is 

  • withdrawn
  • invalid
  • subject to a counter notice 

How to apply

You can only serve a notice as an individual, not as an organisation. 

You can apply for more than one temporary event at a time, but each event must go on a separate application form.  

By law a copy of your application must be sent to the police and to environmental protection. We will do this on your behalf.  

The police and environmental protection officers may intervene on the grounds of any of the four licensing objectives: 

  • prevention of crime and disorder 
  • prevention of public nuisance 
  • promotion to public safety 
  • protection of children from harm

Police and Environmental Protection have a period of three working days to object from the day they receive the TEN. They may prevent the event taking place or agree provided the arrangements are modified. 

After you've applied

If the police or Environmental Protection object to your TEN, they must give you an objection notice within three working days of receiving the TEN. 

If the objection relates to a late TEN, we will issue a counter-notice and your event cannot go ahead. 

For standard TENs, if you can agree a mutually acceptable modification with the party who objected, we will confirm your TEN and your event can go ahead. 

If not, we will hold a hearing to consider the objection notice at least 24 hours before the event. We will decide to approve, add conditions or reject the TEN at this hearing. 

licensing team

Licensing, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ