You need this permit if you are launching a personal powered water craft from Knightstone slipway.
Knightstone slipway and harbour
Using the slipway
The slipway gate opens for two hours before high tide.
Advice and regulations are based on local bylaws and the rules and regulations offered by the:
- Royal Yachting Association - the national authority for power boats and personal watercraft
- British Water-ski and Wakeboard Federation - the national authority for water skiing
- RNLI and the Coastguard
As a permit user you agree to comply with our directions and regulations at all times. By not adhering to these regulations you are putting your life and other people’s lives at risk.
Requirements for a permit
You will need:
- a completed application form
- £5m public liability insurance – we will hold a copy of your certificate
- payment for the permit
Launching from the slipway
Knightstone Slipway is the official launch site for the RNLI.
The slipway, promenade, or Marine Lake plaza cannot be used for:
- vehicle parking
- checks and maintenance to watercraft
- refuelling of watercraft
There is no slipway access for vehicles not towing.
In addition:
- personal water craft and sailing vessels may only launch from Knightstone Slipway
- craft must be ready for launch before accessing the slipway
- trailers must be parked on the promenade (retaining safe access for the land train and the public)
Your ID sticker must be displayed on your vehicle, powered watercraft and trailer.
On the water
Please drive safely and be considerate of all water users.
The following guidelines also apply:
- seven knot speed restriction inshore of the end of the Grand Pier and Knightstone Island
- the same distance applies south of The Grand Pier for the length of the beach (approximately 200m from shore)
- watercraft are prohibited from entering the exclusion zone
- stay at least 50m from the Grand Pier whilst operating
Exclusion zone
We have created an exclusion zone to keep powered watercraft far enough away from the shore and beach, where members of the public may be swimming or using non-powered craft.
The exclusion zone covers the area pictured.

Stay safe at sea
Remember to:
- wear a life jacket
- check tides and weather
- check engine and fuel
- carry a VHF radio
- tell others where you are going and when you plan to return
If you do not abide by the regulations and code of conduct the following action will be taken by North Somerset Council:
First occasion
A written warning (to you and your club) from North Somerset Council
Second occasion
Your permit will be revoked and you will be banned from using this facility.