Animal health and welfare

We work with the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs enforcing legislation regulating the health and welfare of farm animals. This includes responding to complaints of neglect or ill treatment of livestock on farms, during transport, and at markets.

Report a problem

If you suspect a problem, please contact us via email. 

Trading Standards team

If you suspect that an animal is being subjected to any form or cruelty contact the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on 0300 1234 999.


We enforce to protect livestock farms, farm animals and the integrity of the food chain. We aim to make it easy for businesses to meet the rules for:

  • disease control
  • animal identification
  • animal movements
  • bio-security
  • animal welfare
  • animal by-products
  • performing animals
  • importation of animals

Useful sources of information


In response to the increased risk level of Bluetongue, please find the latest government news and guidance.

Avian flu

In response to the increased risk level of avian flu, an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been established in Great Britain.

Livestock movements

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have simplified the rules on reporting livestock movements. This is to reduce the number of reports that need to be sent to us. 

Renewal of type 1 animal transporter authorisations

The process for renewing type 1 animal transporter authorisations changed in October 2016 and they will no longer be renewed automatically.

For more information and to apply for a renewal use the GOV.UK website.