0118 notice of poll and situation of polling stations Claverham neighbourhood plan referendum.pdf [12.8 KB]
1018 notice of poll and situation of polling stations parish of Weston super Mare North Worle ward.pdf [18.67 KB]
0118 notice of making speed limits various roads Blagdon Walton in Gordano Weston in Gordano Barrow Gurney.pdf [150.18 KB]
0118 order speed limits various roads Blagdon Walton in Gordano Weston in Gordano and Barrow Gurney.pdf [234.58 KB]
0118 plans speed limits various roads Blagdon Walton in Gordano Weston in Gordano Barrow Gurney.pdf [2.8 MB]
0118 statement of reasons speed limits various roads Blagdon Walton in Gordano Weston in Gordano and Barrow Gurney.pdf [83.75 KB]
0318 notice of making 3 Public Path Diversion Orders Station Road Nye Road and Sandmead Road Sandford.pdf [1.27 MB]
0418 Clevedon plans prohibition and restriction of stopping and waiting loading and unloading and on street parking places.pdf [4.3 MB]
0418 Nailsea plans prohibition and restriction of stopping and waiting loading and unloading and on street parking places.pdf [688.98 KB]
0418 notice of confirmation of public path extinguishment order part of footpath LA 12.13 Long Ashton.pdf [442.14 KB]
0418 notice of intent prohibition and restriction of stopping and waiting loading and unloading and on street parking places.pdf [96.09 KB]
0418 notice of making Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order AX 20.8 and AX 20.9 Locking Head Drove Locking.pdf [355.82 KB]
0418 notice of making Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order AX 30.60 and AX 30.10 Havyatt Common Burrington.pdf [257.96 KB]
0418 notice of making of definitive map and statement modification order adding unrecorded bridleway AX 16.58 Carditch Drove Congresbury.pdf [370.12 KB]
0418 notice of making of definitive map and statement modification order adding unrecorded route as bridleway AX24.25 Mays Lane Puxton.pdf [334.37 KB]
0418 notice of making of definitive map and statement modification order upgrading LA 18.5 and part of LA 18.4 to bridleways Blackberry Lane Weston.pdf [331.99 KB]
0418 order prohibition and restriction of stopping and waiting loading and unloading and on street parking places.pdf [127.28 KB]
0418 statement of reasons prohibition and restriction of stopping and waiting loading and unloading and on street parking places.pdf [20.77 KB]
0518 notice of confirmation of Definitive Map Modification Order part of footpath AX 29.48 and unrecorded route from Drove Way Winscombe to Riversi.pdf [340.96 KB]
0718 notice of confirmed Public Path Diversion Order footpaths AX30.18 and AX 30.16 Pigeon House Farm Wrington.pdf [363.85 KB]
0718 notice of confirming Public Path Diversion Order footpath AX 29.14 west of Banwell Road Winscombe and Sandford.pdf [498.03 KB]
0718 notice of intent prohibition and restriction of stopping and waiting loading and unloading and on street parking places High Street Portbury.pdf [567.71 KB]
0718 notice of intent statement of reasons and draft order speed limit restrictions various roads Flax Bourton.pdf [953.72 KB]
0718 notice of making Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order footpaths LA23.34 and LA 23.35 Portishead Golf Club.pdf [325.38 KB]
0718 notice of making Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order upgrading footpaths and adding unrecorded route to Restrictive Byway Roman Rd Sandford.pdf [378.18 KB]
0818 notice of installation of puffin crossings A368 Greenhill Road and A38 Bristol Road Sandford.pdf [5.44 MB]
0818 notice of intent order and statement of reasons 20 mph speed limit various roads Churchill and Burrington.pdf [1.57 MB]
0818 notice of submitted Highways Statement section 31.6 Highways Act 1980 Emmanuel Church Oxford Street WSM.pdf [430.96 KB]
0818 notice order and statement of reasons loading bay and parking restrictions Newfoundland Way Portishead.pdf [176.41 KB]
0918 notice of introduction of off street parking charges Walliscote Place car park Weston super Mare.pdf [71.23 KB]
1018 notice of confirmation of Definitive Map Modification Order Portishead Golf Course.pdf [269.73 KB]
1018 notice of making Public Path Diversion Order AX 14.24 and AX 14.26 Churchill Academy School.pdf [344.22 KB]
1018 notice of making Public Path Diversion Order LA 20.59 Charlton Drive Wraxall and Failand.pdf [274.39 KB]
1118 notice order statement of reasons and maps on street parking restrictions various roads in Portishead.pdf [1.84 MB]
1218 notice of confirmation of Public Path Diversion Order LA 20.59 Charlton Drive Wraxall and Failand.pdf [208.47 KB]
1218 Old Banwell Road 3 mph speed limit notice of intent statement of reasons order and map.pdf [408.14 KB]
0318 notice of application to approve premises for marriages and civil partnership formations Banwell Castle.pdf [5.88 KB]
0718 notice of application to approve premises for marriages and civil partnership formations Mendip Spring Golf and Country Club.pdf [9.49 KB]
0718 notice of application to approve premises for marriages and civil partnership formations Winford Manor.pdf [9.52 KB]
0818 notice of application to approve premises for marriages and civil partnership formations Barley Wood.pdf [9.55 KB]
0818 notice of application to approve premises for marriages and civil partnership formations Clevedon Hall.pdf [9.53 KB]
1018 notice of application to approve premises for marriage and civil partnership formations Commodore Hotel.pdf [9.53 KB]
1018 notice of approval of premises for marriage and civil partnership formations Aldwick Estate.pdf [9.51 KB]