North Somerset planning data

We've published our planning data on this page so you can download it under the Open Government Licence. You can also view this data on our planning map.

Conservation areas

This dataset shows the location of conservation areas. Conservation areas are designated to safeguard areas of special architectural and historic interest. It is desirable to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of these areas.

Listed buildings

This dataset shows the location of listed buildings. Listed buildings are registered and protected due to their special architectural and historic interest.

Tree Preservation Orders

This dataset shows the location of Tree Preservation Orders. A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity.

Article Four Directives

This dataset shows the locations of Article Four Directions.  An Article Four Direction is a special planning regulation that gives additional planning control in specified locations. This is by removing standard permitted development rights for works such as extensions, porches, replacement windows and doors or painting the exterior of a building.


This data is provided under the Open Government Licence.