EU citizens voting and candidacy rights

Changes to European citizens voting and candidacy rights

There have been changes to which elections European citizens can vote in and stand as a candidate in. This follows the UK’s departure from the European Union and has been introduced as part of the Elections Act.

These changes will apply to the following elections that take place on or after 7 May 2024:

You will only be able to register, vote or stand as a candidate in these elections if you are either a:

  • qualifying EU citizen
    • a citizen of Denmark, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal and Spain who is resident in the UK
    • has permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, or who does not need permission
  • EU citizen with retained rights
    • a citizen of any other EU country who on or before 31 December 2020 was legally a resident in the UK
    • had permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, or who did not need permission, and this has continued without a break

EU citizens cannot vote or stand as a candidate in UK Parliamentary elections.

Eligibility Confirmation Review (ECR) process 2024

Electoral Registration Officers (EROs) are required to conduct the ECR to determine if existing EU electors are eligible to remain registered under the new criteria.

How we will review eligibility

We will use locally held records to positively determine qualifying EU citizens and EU citizens with retained rights. Anyone who we have been able to data match using this method will be contacted either by email (where an email address is held) or a letter, confirming that they are being kept on the register. 

If you have received this, there is nothing more that you need to do. You will remain eligible and can vote in upcoming elections in your area (excluding UK Parliamentary elections).

Anyone we have not been able to match will be sent either an email (where an email address is held) or a letter asking them to confirm if they remain eligible to be registered to vote under new franchise criteria. 

Electors will receive up to three review notices including a personal contact. If no response is received in this time, the ERO will determine they are ineligible to remain registered.

How to confirm your eligibility

If you have been asked to confirm your eligibility, the easiest way to respond is online at and follow the instructions provided to you.

Or you can: 

Please note there will be a deadline by which you must respond.

Any EU citizen that does not fall into the ‘qualifying EU citizen’ category or the ‘EU citizen with retained rights’ category will be removed from the Register of Electors. They will not be able to stand as a candidate or vote in future elections in England.