When we can't help

We are not able to help with equipment and adaptations if: 

  • your health condition is short term and expected to improve
    • please speak to your GP
  • you’ve been discharged from hospital recently, as you will be under the care of the NHS
  • you need a walking aid, physiotherapy, or a period of rehabilitation to overcome the physical problems caused by ill health
    • this would usually be provided by your local NHS community team – please speak to your GP
  • your only need is around mental health
    • speak to your GP or you can self-refer to Second Steps for mental health support
  • you only need small items of equipment such as a urine bottle
    • please buy this from your local supplier  
  • you need urgent health advice


Short term loan

if you need a short-term loan of a wheelchair (less than six months), please contact the Red Cross

You can also purchase or hire wheelchairs from many local mobility shops.

Long term loan or purchase

If you are

  • a hospital inpatient or; 
  • registered with a GP

and you require a wheelchair for long term use (over 6 months), you will be referred to the Bristol Centre for Enablement Wheelchair and Special Seating Service.

Please note specific criteria need to be met for us to provide this service.