Who can apply

You can apply for a grant if your project can meet all of the following criteria:

1. You are a:

  • voluntary organisation
  • community group
  • mutual aid group
  • charity
  • social enterprise or an individual working in partnership with a group of local residents
  • a youth club that can provide the evidence that your project was developed by a group of young people

2. The project will benefit the residents of North Somerset and will target one or more of the following groups:

  • residents living in areas with the highest rates of deprivation. For more information view our North Somerset profiles page
  • culturally diverse communities: residents from Black, Asian, and/or other minority ethnic residents, minority ethnic groups, including people in the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller ethnic groups
  • carers, disabled people, young people, older people, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people, people with mental health problems or people with learning disabilities
  • those in recovery from substance use and/or dependence

3. You have Public Liability Insurance no less than £5 million in place before the project begins.*

4. You have a constitution or other governing document in place before the project begins.

5. You have safeguarding policies for vulnerable adults and/or children (according to your target population) and will comply with all legislation, official guidance and codes of practice relating to safeguarding. Visit North Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (NSSAB) or North Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSSCP) for more information.

6. You have your own bank account**

7. You can show how the project is shaped by the needs, concerns and priorities of members of the group/community.

8. You can show how the project will improve the mental health and wellbeing of participants.

  • focus on increasing happiness levels and emotional resilience
  • focus on providing social support and reducing isolation and loneliness
  • focus on reducing anxiety

9. Deliver community-based activities such as volunteering.

10. The project will include a method of evaluation to measure key outcomes.

11. It has a nature-based element or a particular focus on addressing climate emergency, connecting with nature, or improving environmental literacy. See our climate emergency priorities and strategies web pages for more information.

*we recognise that smaller community groups may not be able to meet insurance requirements. If this is the case, please contact phgrants@n-somerset.gov.uk to discuss your project. You may be able to apply through a larger organisation such as a town or parish council. We will evaluate all applications that are unable to meet this requirement on a case-by-case basis.

**if your organisation does not have a bank account, another organisation can look after the funds for you. Please provide written authorisation from that organisation in addition to your application.

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