Our team of Healthy Lifestyles Advisors can help you to make changes to your health and wellbeing.
Perhaps you’d like to get active, lose weight, eat well or stop smoking? We’ll discuss your options, helping you to make changes and achieve your goals. We’ve supported thousands of people in North Somerset and are here to help you too!
We provide tailored guidance and support to help people become more healthy and our service is free to all over the age of 18. Some people just need a little bit of help, a brief intervention or a nudge in the right direction.
For those that need a little more help there are one-to-one appointments available in Weston at the Town Hall.
To find out if you are eligible for support complete our simple health MOT. If you are eligible you will be offered the opportunity to register for free one-to-one support from an advisor for up to 12 weeks.