Carer's strategy

Our Carer’s strategy outlines how organisations in North Somerset will support carers of all ages from 2024-29.  

It is a multi-agency strategy led by North Somerset Council. This means that different organisations in health, social care, and the community, across North Somerset will work together to achieve the priorities set out on this page. We will take the lead for overseeing this work. 

Our priorities emerged from discussions with carers. 

They are to: 

  • identify, recognise, and value carers
  • involve carers in decisions, in care-planning and coproducing services
  • create systems that
    • are joined up
    • identify, recognise, and value carers, and see carers in context of family      
  • provide services that are reliable and deliver best outcomes for all
  • improve information and advice for carers
  • support carers to stay well and have a life of their own