Because an EHCP is based on the needs of the individual young person, it can have lots of different steps and outcomes.
The EHCP process may look something like this:
Stage one (weeks one to six) - deciding whether an EHCP is appropriate
A request for an EHCP needs assessment is submitted to us through the EHC portal.
By week six, we must inform the parent or carer of a decision.
If the decision is to agree to assess the child, our SEND officer will gather information from the child or young person, parent carers and professionals.
If the assessment request is refused, the parent or young person will get a notification of the right to appeal the decision if they want to. They can have a ‘way forward’ meeting with the school to discuss the next steps.
Stage two (weeks seven to 16) - drafting the EHCP
Our SEND officer gathers advice from professionals and by week 16 we will have decided whether to issue an EHCP.
If we support issuing an EHCP, your SEND officer will draft the plan on the EHC portal. You can view what is included in a draft EHCP in our template on this page.
The portal is where the parent, carer or young person can look at all the information and include their opinions, like which schools they would like to consult.
If we do not support issuing an EHCP, the parents, carers or young person will get a letter from the EHC portal explaining the reason and the next steps.