About MAVIS bus

MAVIS (Multi-Agency Vehicle In Service) is a community bus that is used primarily to keep vulnerable people safe on their night out in Weston-super-Mare.

We work with the police, ambulance crews, street wardens and street pastors to help people who have become vulnerable. The bus offers a safe, warm and non-judgmental place to go for help.

On Saturday nights of pay day weekends between 9pm and 3am and Friday or Saturday nights when there is a major event taking place in the town, the bus is parked in Big Lamp Corner.


Technical information

MAVIS is a 2002 Alexander Dennis Enviro 300, with a 6.0l diesel engine and two doors, including ramp and step access. It has an internal and external CCTV recording system with eight cameras, powered by a 240v invertor.

Weston's night time economy

Weston-super-Mare was one of 20 Home Office local alcohol action areas of 2014-15. The Community Safety Partnership is working to improve the perception that the town is a less safe place after dark, and encourage more activities in the town after 6pm.

Having a mobile base for who work in the town after dark can also help reduce demand on the hospital’s accident and emergency services, by providing simple first aid for minor injuries.