Transport and travel
Community transport
Community transport helps people with limited mobility travel for shopping, medical appointments and days out
Bus travel
Find out about bus passes, services and timetables, bus stops and shelters and the bus service operator's grant
Car sharing
TravelWest has links to a range of car sharing websites to help you find a suitable person to share your journeys with
Information about cycle routes, bicycle security, cycling training, bike borrowing, cycle to work scheme and the cycle forum
Portishead rail services
Read the latest information about plans to re-open the Portishead passenger rail line
School transport
Find out if your child qualifies for free school transport or how to buy a vacant seat
Active travel
Read our consultation plan for a range of new schemes designed to contribute to our ambition to achieve Net Zero by 2030
Banwell bypass
Find out more about the plans for the Banwell bypass
Become a Travel Champion
More information about our Travel Champion programme, where you can sign up to help us get the word out about sustainable travel initiatives
Your new journey
Find out about a new initiative that aims to help residents and workplaces try out new ways of travelling