You need to submit a completed copy of Form 1 (CIL Additional information form) for applications that include an element of any of the following types of development:
- residential (use class C3/C4)
- extra care (C2) housing
- purpose-built student accommodation/halls of residence
- retail including sale of food and drink: use classes Ea, Eb, E(c), F2a and the following sui generis uses:
- public houses, wine bars or drinking establishments
- drinking establishments with expanded food provision
- hot food takeaways
and where the application would create 100 square metres or more of new floorspace or change of use/converted floorspace and is any of the following:
- full planning permission (including householder applications)
- technical details consent
- lawful development certificates, where the development in question commenced after 18 January 2018
- modification of S106 agreements
- prior approval
- reserved matters (following an outline planning permission)
Also required for:
- new dwellings (including change of use/conversion)
- minor Material Amendments to any application which was liable to pay CIL contributions (see above criteria)
Not required for:
- outline applications
- minerals or waste development
Applicants seeking permission for other forms of development may submit the CIL additional information form on an optional basis in order to enable confirmation that no charges will apply.
If you are planning development under a general consent or permitted development rights and it is liable for the levy, you will need to let us know by submitting a notice of chargeable development form before you start work. Failure to submit the form prior to any development will result in an extra charge being applied.
If we decide that your development is liable to pay the levy, there are a number of processes that must be followed by us and by the liable party. Please read our guide to the CIL process for further information.