You can use this page to see what clubs and activities are available through the SENDCAS team and get information on the short breaks service.
You can use this page to see what clubs and activities are available through the SENDCAS team and get information on the short breaks service.
Short breaks for disabled children and young people range from just a few hours a day to overnight stays in a residential or community setting, and can include:
Short breaks are another great way to try new things with organisations that can support your needs. You can use the North Somerset Online Directory to find options for short breaks nearby.
You can use the North Somerset Online Directory to search for clubs in the local area.
Local clubs that cater specifically for SEND are marked with a green banner and star, and they include:
You can also get involved in sports and keeping active using the National Disability Sports organisations.
The SEND Clubs and Activities Service (SENDCAS) run a variety of out of school and holiday activities and outings in Weston-super-Mare and Portishead. The activities support a range of additional needs from ages five (school year one) to 18 years old. These events are organised by age, ability or friendship group, and planned trips can be tailored to a child’ or young person's individual needs.
They also provide family stay and play sessions during the school holidays.
The SENDCAS team know family time is important. We appreciate the barriers faced by many families who have children with additional needs. We are excited to offer our Family Time Pass so that families can visit attractions.
These are offered to families within North Somerset with a child or young person (aged 0 to 25) with a disability or additional need (who are on the Disabled Children’s Register).
For more information on how to get a Family Time Pass and a list of available venues, please contact