You can use this page to learn about important SEND policies and what the council and the government must provide to residents with special educational needs and disabilities.
You can use this page to learn about important SEND policies and what the council and the government must provide to residents with special educational needs and disabilities.
SEND policies can help you understand your rights as someone with SEND or as parent carers. SEND policies can also tell you what services and support the government and the council must provide according to the law. These policies can take a long time to read, so we have outlined some useful sections.
Some of these policies are worked on by our teams, such as the SEND Improvement Board and the Community of Practice.
GOV.UK website - SEND code of practice 2015
GOV.UK website - SEND guide for parents and carers
GOV.UK website - SEND easy-read guide for parents
GOV.UK website - SEND easy-read guide for children and young people
GOV.UK website - summary of the SEND review
GOV.UK website - Care Act factsheets