Kitesurfing, wing foiling and windsurfing at Weston Bay

The launch and recovery area for kite and windsurfing is located at Royal Sands. Access is via the beach. Parking is available at this location. 

Kitesurfers must launch and recover south of the car park. This includes wing foiling, which can be described as a kite in hand.

Windsurfers must launch and recover in front of the car park. 

There is signage on beach to help direct you when you arrive.


Membership requirements for users

All people taking part in wind-powered water sports at Weston Bay must hold membership with a governing body that provides third party public liability insurance to their members. The governing bodies who provide this are:

Royal Yachting Association 

£5 million third party liability insurance for members.

British Kitesports Association

£10 million third party liability insurance for members.

UK Windsurfing Association 

£5 million third party liability insurance for members.

Please make sure you carry your membership card with you or are able to show us your digital membership card. The parking attendants or seafront rangers will ask you to present your card. Failure to show your membership to one of the governing bodies mentioned on this page will result in you being asked to leave the beach.

Code of conduct when using Weston Bay

As a user of Weston Bay, you agree to abide by the directions of North Somerset Council officers and to comply with the following code of conduct: 

  • check the tides and weather conditions before heading out 
  • tell others where you are going and when you plan to return
  • be considerate of other beach and water users 
  • never leave your kit unattended or kites untethered on the beach
  • launch and recover in the designated areas 
  • where possible, sail at least 50m from any other user including but not limited to other sailors, people paddling or swimming 
  • if you hear three short siren blasts from the seafront rangers, this means you are too close to another user and need to move further out 
  • reduce speed if you end up on the shoreline and walk back to the launch and land area if the wind drops and you are unable to sail back
  • get to know and respect your abilities, only sail within your capabilities
  • Weston Bay is suitable for intermediate to advanced sailors, defined as sailors who are competent at riding upwind
  • never manoeuvre or jump with less than 50m clearance of another user. It's not worth the risk of a collision that could result in lifechanging injuries or even worse 
  • be aware of underwater hazards, especially during high tides where debris, sinking mud and seg posts may be underwater 
  • remember the sailor on ‘Starboard Tack’ (the rider travelling to the right) has right of way over sailor on ‘Port Tack’ (the rider travelling to the left)
  • if you find yourself in trouble, use your board to help you float and paddle back in if you can 
  • remember you are more important than your kit, detach yourself and ‘float to live'. To find out more information visit our Water safety webpage.

By not following our code of conduct, you are putting your life and other people’s lives at risk.

There is no lifeguard service in operation on any of the beaches in North Somerset. 

In an emergency situation, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard. 

Useful information

We recommend you wear wetsuits and personal flotation devices (PFDs). You should also carry a fully charged mobile phone in a waterproof pouch or other devices such as such as Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) and VHF radios. You may consider using the free RYA SafeTRX app, which lets your loved ones know where you are and allows you to alert the emergency services if you are in difficulty.

HM Coastguard’s website has lots of tips and information.

Mark up your equipment and board, so if it drifts off or is lost then we can get in touch to make sure that you are safe and do not need help. HM Coastguard has free waterproof labels for your watersports equipment which you can order from their website.

The council is working in partnership with and has approved this code of conduct with representatives from: 

Bristol Kite 

Bristol Channel Windsurfs

HM Coastguard