If you qualify, you could apply to have an advisory disabled parking bay marked outside your property.
If the location of the bay is likely to have an impact on your immediate neighbours we’ll write to advise them. We’ll also consult with your town or parish council.
The markings are only advisory and rely on the goodwill of other road users not to park in the bay. Other disabled drivers are also allowed to park in it.
We’ll only consider installing an advisory disabled parking bay if the existing advisory disabled bays in the street take up less than 25% of the on-street parking.
We understand that there can be a high demand for on-street parking. We also have to consider that disabled residents with mobility issues may struggle to walk short distances to get to or from their car.
You can apply for a disabled parking bay outside your property if:
- you are registered disabled and hold a disabled parking permit (blue badge)
- you are the regular driver of a vehicle or dependent on the use of a vehicle
- you don’t have off-street parking facilities.
Applications must be for an individual and not an organisation.