With more reliable bus services across North Somerset, passengers can trust buses to turn up at the right time and the right place. Introducing new bus priority schemes are an important way to make this happen.
Safer journeys
We will make sure you can complete your journey safely and securely with all buses equipped with the right safety features.
Simple bus service information
Easy to understand information with personalised travel planning and full online information. There will be simpler routes, common numbering and co-ordinated timetables.
More accessible transport
We want to make sure everyone has equal access to bus travel. We will be developing demand responsive bus services, improving wheelchair access and providing easy to understand information.
A greener, cleaner environment
Transport is responsible for 42% of carbon emissions in North Somerset (excluding aviation or shipping). By taking the bus, you'll be choosing a better option for our communities and the environment. This will help us to reach our 2030 net zero target.
We’re also planning to invest in zero emission vehicles. We aim to deliver at least 75% zero and ultra-low emission buses, followed by a fully zero-emission fleet, by 2035.
BSIP will provide those with no other means of transport to travel across North Somerset in a safe and convenient way. It will provide easy routes to school and college for our young people and support our elder population to be independent for longer.
Commercial sustainability
The BSIP government funding offers a once in a life-time opportunity to create a sustainable and popular bus service for North Somerset. When the funding is over, we will have a bus network our local communities need that we do not need to subsidise.